Donate to help us help those in need
About CORE International
CORE International works to help small groups of very poor and disadvantaged people in Nepal who have not had other assistance. They are often those who face discrimination, live in areas with few opportunities, or the urban poor who migrated to urban areas for employment. We work to build “bridges” between groups of people, organizations & individuals who are able to provide services and support. We see changes after we invest in education, literacy, skills, and health.
Our Projects
Rural Marginalized Community Educational Support
Support to very disadvantaged women and children. In April 2017, CORE began a project…
Covid Prevention Awareness and Response
Thank you to everyone who has donated….
Past Projects
Education for poor urban dwellers From 2006-2020, CORE supported, financially and technically, SOUP (Society for…
Core’s Impact from 2006 to 2022
A sincere thank you to everyone who has supported CORE in so many ways since we started in 2006. It has been 16 years during which we have contributed to helping about 15,000 families or individuals. We have shifted and adapted to changing situations with the conflict and with two major crises, the 2015 earthquake and now the pandemic. The last year, we have focused on strengthening the educational program for marginalised children.
Give a donation to help stop the spread and provide education for marginalized children!
CORE invites to give your donation as a gift for your friends and family.
CORE International is a registered charity in Canada BN 841814965RR0001 and has a Government
of Alberta Fund-raising license #316259.